desktop wallpaper-on-frame-tv

Hey, hey, fellow digital enthusiasts!

I’m so excited to introduce my latest pet project – ‘A Wallpaper-a-day.’ Living in an era where visuals speak louder than words, I decided to turn my passion into a challenge. I love the image changers on my phone, desktops and TV’s and decided to curate and design a new wallpaper every day for a year. Each design is crafted with utmost care and unique in its own way, and I’m thrilled to share them with you. Join me on this exciting journey, and let’s give your digital spaces fresh personality!

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Through a combination of photography, text-to-image AI and photoshop, I embark on a creative journey to produce unique, visually stunning and interesting images. I begin by creating a seed image and devise unique prompts, use multiple text-to-image AI’s, honing prompts and layering different AI model outputs to steer the images to my desired outcome.

The whole process is a lively conversation between these new artistic tools and language.  A back-and-forth experimentation with words, phrases, syntax, negative prompts and AI magic to conjure beautiful and often surprising images.

I am excited to share my experiences with you as I unearth and discover new things every day and hope that you will find inspiration and delight in this art.

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